My name is Takiya, I've been doing personal readings for about 6 years. I first realized I was intuitive around the age of 13. Since then, I’ve made it my mission to use my gifts to help connect people to the love of the divine.
When I tune into Spirit, there are various levels, or "channels," through which I experience messages.
I am fully aligned with my Spirit and focused on my intentions with an open heart. This is the level that I strive to live from in my daily life so the vibration when I am speaking from this state is very similar to me simply talking in a casual conversation.
When I begin to move to an even deeper level of surrender with the Ascended Masters that I journey closest with, I completely give myself over as a pure vessel for ascended master teachers to use in order to get their message to you. I simply step aside and allow them to speak through me. I look forward to connecting with you.

" What I hear I forget, what I see I remember, what I do I understand"
Chinese Proverb